Opium pipe in art centre

21 aprile 2015

Opium pipe in art centre

The Amsterdam gallery Castrvm Peregrini features the exhibition "Exclude / Include, Alternate Histories". This artistic presentation includes the story of life of artist Sean Hannan. One of the exhibits is a splendid engraved bone opium pipe from our collection, that illustrates the personal story of the artist. Visiting this exhibition you will experience how a personal history can shift according to the viewpoint. The exhibition runs until 12 June.


Our real gold

15 aprile 2015

Our real gold

The Dutch Museum Association is organizing the Museumweek. Formerly only a weekend, now a full week the museums are extra attractive with special exhibits and programs. With the common slogan "Our real gold" every participating museum can exhibit its own show piece. The Amsterdam Pipe Museum displays a pipe related to Emperor Napoleon. It is a valuable gift from the emperor to his general who conquered North-Italy, including Venice. The very luxurious meerschaum pipe is covered with a gilded silver helmet, with the four horses of the San Marco on top. In the museum the full story of this posh pipe will be told during the Museumweek.


Unseen results

10 aprile 2015

Unseen results

A regular asked question is: what do you do during a normal working week? The answer is different every time. This month, for instance, a huge task was completed, but invisible for any visitor. All primary photographs of our database were checked on color tone and uniformity in cutting. Since we are working on the digitation for so many years, the format of photofinishing slightly and unnoticed changed. By scanning the complete set of photos, the most extreme deviations could be improved. The result might be the same for the web visitor, but improvements are being made.
