Best wishes for 2015

31 dicembre 2014

Best wishes for 2015

Please receive herewith our best wishes for 2015 and hayy holyday season.


Our ranking at Tripadvisor

20 dicembre 2014

Our ranking at Tripadvisor

Earlier this year we started a page on Tripadvisor, the famous website for the travel community with millions of reviews. Among the must-sees in Amsterdam the Prinsengracht is already mentioned as nr. 4. Most remarkable is that the Amsterdam Pipe Museum has reached ranking nr. 17 within a year! The reviews of our visitors are so nice: surprising, fascinating, charming, hidden treasure... Read for yourself what other visitors experienced in our museum: Highly recommended!


Link to IAmsterdam

6 dicembre 2014

Link to IAmsterdam

In the atmospheric ambiance of a historic Amsterdam canal house, the Amsterdam Pipe Museum shows an overview of fashion and design in smoking pipes. The exhibition spans 2500 years, with exciting objects from five continents. For more information, visit IAMSTERDAM.COM
