Numéro de la collection:

APM 17.745


pipes en bois


pipe à tabac


hunting scene, cutaway base

Description :

Wooden tobacco pipe with Ulm bowl with round bottom and ascending flattened stem with stub. Bowl hand-carved hunting scene with openwork base in which a standing deer, along the upper half against a roughened background on the left on the stem a hunter, on the bowl a fleeing deer chased by a dog, on the right on the bowl and stem a dog chased by a fox, in the background trees and mountains. Original mounting with silver lid with stag horn disc with a sitting dog in the center of the leg, the head to the right, silver cuff ring with stem holder. Original stem of black buffalo horn with rings, intermediate piece of stag horn on which three deer, slightly curved button mouthpiece. Simple security cord of wound red and green thread.


Période 1830 - 1860


FourneauHauteur14,7 cm
Largeur4,1 cm
StemLongueur6 cm
Length total24 cm
Type de pipe tête de pipe
Forme de pipe Ulm
Matérialbroussin (bois)
Other materialsargent (métal), corne de cerf, os animalier (matière animale)
Dernière touche gemonteerd
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleEurope de l'Ouest
Région nationaleBade-Wurtemberg
Statut juridique
Date 2005
Ancienne appartenance Amsterdam, veilinghuis Sotheby's, lot 332
Zürich, villa Sumatra, Angele Maggi Spaulding, <1990-2005
Don Duco, Ulmer Kloben, een Schwäbische vinding. Amsterdam, 2017. afb 15. Dit exemplaar.
Benedict Goes, Tabakspijpen, kunstwerkjes in hout. ZandvoortMétier, 3/11, 2020. p 32. Dit exemplaar.
De Rijp, Museum In 't Houten Huis, tentoonstelling "In rook vervlogen, vier eeuwen tabaksgebruik", 6 augustus - 19 november 2006.
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, 2007-2013.
Amsterdam, Amsterdam Pipe Museum, permanente presentatie, voorkamer, kabinetkast, v.a. 2013.

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