Numéro de la collection:

APM 12.726


pipes à opium


pipe à opium


saddle standing Chinese persons

Description :

Opium pipe made of wood (fruitwood, presumably pear) with at the time replaced flat mouthpiece of off-white jade in silver setting on which a motif taken from a meander, end piece an ivory disk with concentric ring. Stem top diamond-shaped jewel of silver with copper nails fixed with central rectangular moonstone, surrounded by citrine (yellow) and three cut glass stones in blue, green and purple. Saddle of silver with the contour of a folding screen with arched top and bottom with two beveled legs. The motive shows on a rough surface the representation of the seven sages, each standing on a cloud and the woman with a flying crane or phoenix above it. Decoration framed by a band with a bat above and beneath a butterfly, on both sides of the hundred valuables or antiques a rhino horn, two scrolls, a rectangular box and other motif. The silverwork has been heightened with enamel in turquoise, blue and pink. Holder for bowl is undecorated having a narrow cuff.


Période 1870 - 1900


GeneralLongueur62,5 cm
Diamètre4 cm
Type de pipe pipe tubulaire
Other materialsivoire (matière animale), argent (métal), jade (pierre)
Oher techniquesrepoussé
Other coloursblanc
Traces of use gerookt
Région internationaleAsie de l'Est
Mark Chinese karakter (zilvermerk) (stempel, zadel)
Statut juridique
Date 1991
Ancienne appartenance Amsterdam, Paul Rutten, kunsthandelaar
Marseille, particulier bezit, <1980-1990
Vgl. APM 12.726bis beschrijving ketel.
Benedict Goes, 25 eeuwen roken; De verwonderlijke vormgeving van de pijp. , 1993. p 76. Dit exemplaar.
Benedict Goes, 25 eeuwen roken; De verwonderlijke vormgeving van de pijp. , 1993. p 76, foto. Dit exemplaar.
Benedict Goes, The Intriguing Design of Tobacco Pipes. Leyden, 1993. p 76, foto. Dit exemplaar.
Don Duco, De attributen van de opiumschuiver. Amsterdam, 1997. afb 8. Dit exemplaar (het zadel).
Don Duco, Opium & opiumschuiven, een bronnenboek. Amsterdam, 2006. p 142, foto 96. Dit exemplaar (zadel). Idem, p 147, afb 105. Dit exemplaar (pommel).
Leiden, Pijpenkabinet, tentoonstelling "Roken op z'n Chinees", 7 november - 24 december 1993.
Wenen, Österreichisches Tabakmuseum, tentoonstelling "Die 2000 Jährige Geschichte der Tonpfeifen", 23 juni 1994 - 10 september 1994.
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, opiumvitrine, 1999-2013.
Amsterdam, Amsterdam Pipe Museum, permanente presentatie, opiumvitrine, v.a. 2013.

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