Objects transferred
3 April 2017
![Objects transferred](http://pipeportal.blob.core.windows.net/public/D15EE51D-F000-D673-D4DB-D648F0568FF4-v001.jpg)
The Amsterdam Pipe Museum, being a registered museum, got the chance to select objects from the collections of Museum Nusantara in Delft that closes down. For over a century this was the museum on the Indonesian archipelago, with a unique collection. Fifty objects, all related to smoking and betel chewing, are being transferred to our museum. Today these objects arrived in Amsterdam, packed in big boxes. Over the coming weeks they will be cleaned and registered, and eventually added to our database. This is a fine addition to our collection of the Dutch East-Indies. Illustrated is a rare hand spittoon from Karawang, West-Java. This fragile object, probably the only surviving from the nineteenth century, was already acquired in 1894 by the predecessor of the Nusantara museum.
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