Browse the collection
Pre-Columbian tobacco pipes
The oldest pipes in the world from the collection in the Amsterdam Pipe Museum
American Indian pipes
The most iconic pipes, next to the peace pipe and tomahawk also lesser common examples
Marks on clay pipes
Three centuries of pipe marks on Dutch clay pipes, both archaeological and historical
Pipefinds with relief
An overview of the wide variety of representations on Dutch clay tobacco pipes
Dutch clay pipes
The pipe in the 19th century: often traditional, sometimes amusing, but above all folk
French figural clay pipes
The remarkable interest in portraits in nineteenth-century French stemmed clay pipes
French stub stemmed pipes
The clay pipe with separate wooden stem featuring amusing and especially lifelike portraits
Ceramic tobacco pipes
The most wonderful smoking pipes in recognizable but also unknown types of ceramics
Porcelain figural pipes
Collector's items from the most exclusive to rather kitsch, wide variety in porcelain pipe design
Posh stummels
Beautiful miniature paintings on typical German porcelain pipes with an oval bowl shape
Stummels for everyone
Swift sketches or coloured transfer prints on pipe bowls made in German porcelain
Large sizes in meerschaum
The early meerschaum pipes, large and luxurious with their carvings and silver fittings
Meerschaum cigar holders
Artificial and fairly feminine works of art with carvings made in brittle meerschaum
Early wooden pipes
Smoking pipes in different woods, from charming cottage industry to true works of art
Carved figural pipes
Beautiful portrait pipes carved in briar wood and made between 1850 and 1950
Briars classic or queer
The wooden pipe as we know it, but also the more original examples that are out of the ordinary
Modern briars
Striking and admirable post-war pipe designs in briar wood, some for use, others too fancy
Unexpected materials
A surprising category: pipes made of glass, silver, stag horn, shell or even plastic
Equipment from West Africa
The well-developed smoking culture in Ghana, Mali, Nigeria and Burkina Faso
Variations from Congo
So many tribes, so many original types of smoking pipes of Central African origin
Grasslands of Cameroon
Pipes from Cameroon are impressive, showing masks or geometric decorations
South Africa
A wonderful mix of influences from Europe as well as from unexpected local traditions
Japanese kiserus
The tobacco pipe in Japan is small and extremely refined, often acting as a status symbol
Smoking pipes from Asia
From Persia to the Philippines, each nation developed its own and original pipe design
Opium and opium taking
A Chinese custom with special pipes, together with unexpected and most wonderful paraphernalia
Hookahs or hubble-bubble
The mystery of the hookah in many forms from the Middle East and other regions
Making clay pipes
The pipe maker's craft explained by means of old photos of Gouda workshops
Pipemaker's tools
A choice of the many specialist tools used in the production of clay tobacco pipes
Covers on meerschaum pipes
Masterpieces of silversmithing applied to the luxurious meerschaum tobacco pipe
Lids on porcelain pipes
On porcelain pipes the lid is more often a serial item, although there are original exceptions
Lids on all kind of pipes
From simple brass-wire braided spark catchers to opulent decorative lids for tobacco pipes
Tampers and stoppers
The pipe smoker's hand tool for pressing the tobacco down and scraping out the pipe
Boxes for pipe tobacco
An overview of the tobacco box from the 17th century, in metal but also in other materials
Tobacco jars
Indispensable for the pipe smoker, the tobacco jar in varying shapes and different materials
Making fire and lighting
Before the invention of the match, lighting the pipe was an unexpected challenge
The pipe at rest
Where do you leave the pipe if you don't smoke? A variety of stands, racks and storage boxes
Snuff worldwide
Boxes and bottles, but also graters and pestles used in the global custom of snuff taking
European snuff boxes
The snuff box as a fashion accessory since the beginning of the eighteenth century
Smokers' prints Europe
The pipe smoker as the main motif in etchings, engravings and drawings from all times
Smokers' prints ethnographic
Pipe smoking in other cultures complete with typical and favorite smoking instruments
Store cards
Unexpected advertisements for the twentieth century pipe intended for the tobacconist shop
Tobacco vignettes
Simple print work for the packaging of cut tobacco with its typical symbolism and texts
Dutch cigar bags
Packaging for cigars to publicize the tobacconist with an attractive illustration
Box labels for cigars
Glamorous printed designs by cigar factories to brighten up the packaging box