Stummels for everyone
From 1840 onwards, the German stummel, the pipe bowl with the oval bowl and knob heel, became widely popular. In fact, the overproduction made that the porcelain pipe was now accessible to the common man as well. For the new customer group a lower quality porcelain was used that was swiftly painted with a few strokes
As with so many objects of crafts, the quality of the painting declined. After 1850 more and more often the hand-painted depiction disappeared to make way for the coloring of a simple printed transfer picture or even a fully printed lithographic image. At the same time, the gallant portrayals changed and hunting scenes became popular.
A separate group is the made-to-order pipe bowl, on which a personal name with appropriate inscription and year appears. Special designs, customized but within a given framework were made for student corporations, wedding anniversaries, craftsmen who liked to celebrate their trade. These pipes were painted on request by so-called Hausmaler who bought the unpainted pipe bowls from the large factories.
From 1880, specific pipes were printed and colored for reservists of the Prussian army, aesthetically less interesting but of historical importance. Such pipes, usually mounted on an extremely long stem, were presented to soldiers as a reminder of their time in service. The pipe bowls include the name of the regiment and a full list of recruits. Reservist pipes were the ultimate mass produced items and were the last success of the porcelain pipe. Around the First World War, the stummel disappeared from the market, except as an article for the tourist. The interest continued in a significant production up to present day as a curiosity item. It is clear that these are no longer pipes for a serious smoker.