Museum number:

APM 2.901b


excavated pipes


tobacco pipe


"DE GOEDE VRINTSCHAP" (the good friendship)


Tobacco pipe made of clay with oval Gouda bowl, heel and straight stem. Bowl stem side embossed a table standing in front of a window with on the left sitting man dressed in a long coat with long Gouda pipe and wine goblet, bowl on the right woman sitting also with a wine goblet, on the top on a ribbon "DE GOEDE VRINTSCHAP" (the good friendship), table edge signature of the mould maker "OYE: I". Heel on both sides Gouda coat of arms with letter s. Stem both sides swinging tendril with leaves, flowers and bunches of grapes alternated with jumping dogs.


Period 1745 - 1765


BowlHeight1.85 in (4.7 cm)
Width0.91 in (2.3 cm)
StemLength1.18 in (3 cm)
Pipe type stem pipe
Pipe shape oval
Materialpipe clay (ceramic)
Techniquepress moulded
Traces of use gerookt
Region internationalWestern Europe
CountryThe Netherlands
Region nationalSouth Holland
Maker #1Hendrick Bos (?)
Region internationalWestern Europe
CountryThe Netherlands
Region nationalSouth Holland
Maker #2Johannes van Oye (mould engraver)
Mark hoed gekroond (stempel, hiel)
Year 1972
Provenance Amsterdam, collectie Jan-Cees Kok, 1969-1971
Excavation site Amsterdam, Paulus Potterstraat, Van Goghmuseum, 1969
Uitkomst Friederich formule 47.23.17=18.377 1758 C3FF
Stichting Pijpenkabinet, ansichtkaart, 1998.
D.H. Duco (Don Duco), De Nederlandse kleipijp, handboek voor dateren en determineren. Leiden, 1987. p 108, foto 36ab. Dit exemplaar.
Benedict Goes, 25 eeuwen roken; De verwonderlijke vormgeving van de pijp. , 1993. p 21, foto. Dit exemplaar.
Benedict Goes, The Intriguing Design of Tobacco Pipes. Leiden, 1993. p 21, foto. Dit exemplaar.
Don Duco, The ubiquitos clay pipe. ParisThe Pipe Year Book 2001, /, 2001. p 53. Dit exemplaar.
Niels Gustav Bardenfleth, Kridtpiber og kridtpiberygning. Copenhagen, 2002. p 144. Dit exemplaar.
Don Duco, aaaDe Nederlandse kleipijp, handboek voor het determineren. Amsterdam, 2025. hfst 5, p , afb 192. Dit exemplaar.
Wenen, Österreichisches Tabakmuseum, tentoonstelling "Die 2000 Jährige Geschichte der Tonpfeifen", 23 juni 1994 - 10 september 1994.
Amsterdam, Pijpenkabinet, permanente presentatie, achterkamer, vitrine bodemvondsten, v.a. 2001.

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